Call Handling 101

Call Handling 101

Congratulations! The day is here when you’re getting so many calls that it’s interrupting your day-to-day life or you simply can’t handle them all. While this doesn’t feel like an exciting thing, it means that your business has grown, and you need help managing incoming calls. At this point, growing businesses like yours turn to…

A Guide to Hiring a Small Business Answering Service

A Guide to Hiring a Small Business Answering Service

If you’re reading this, there’s a solid chance that you’re considering hiring an answering service for your small business. Congratulations – this is an exciting step, and it means that your business is growing and you’re being proactive about providing excellent customer service. Choosing a small business answering service or knowing how to get the…

4 Unexpected Ways a Virtual Receptionist Helps Your Business

4 Unexpected Ways a Virtual Receptionist Helps Your Business

There are plenty of advantages to hiring virtual receptionists that you’re likely already familiar with. Having someone else handle incoming calls is an enormous time-saver, and the fact that you can pass off the task to someone who will treat your customers as well as you do is a huge advantage. You and your staff…

4 Creative Ways to Provide Personalized Service for Customers

4 Creative Ways to Provide Personalized Service for Customers

Customers have higher expectations than ever before. Customers know it, and businesses know it, and it’s true all over the world. It’s not enough to simply answer a call fast, or even to just be friendly while rattling off your strict company policies. Customers want more than that. Personalized customer service is the new standard of…

The Future of Customer Service

The Future of Customer Service

Customer service standards have shifted dramatically over the past decade, thanks to a combination of more competition in the market and an abundance of increasingly-accessible technology. All businesses understand that the customer experience is a powerful differentiator, and it absolutely will impact who customers buy from, how long they stay loyal, and even what they’re…

eBook: How Technology is Changing Customer Service

eBook: How Technology is Changing Customer Service

Customer service today looks vastly different than it did even ten years ago. Ten years ago, mediocre customer service was almost the expected standard, with long wait-times on phone calls or help emails that wouldn’t be returned for days. And sometimes, even if the customer service wasn’t great, you’d still stay on as a customer. …

6 Easy Ways to Improve Customer Service in 2021

6 Easy Ways to Improve Customer Service in 2021

If you’re a small business owner, you’re taking stock of what helped your business to grow in 2020 and what can be improved in the upcoming year.One area you should definitely assess is how to improve customer service. You need to ask yourself what your customers liked, what they didn’t, and figure out how to adjust in a way…

6 Simple Ways to Automate Customer Communication

6 Simple Ways to Automate Customer Communication

There’s a major trend that’s taken the business world by storm in recent years, and it’s transparency. Customers like businesses who are transparent and proactive in their communication, as opposed to those who make it difficult for customers to get information that they want or need. While this is a great standard, it can undeniably…