Customer Communication: 3 More Ways to Keep Cool During Stressful Calls

Customer Communication: 3 More Ways to Keep Cool During Stressful Calls

A few months ago, we shared some tips for taking the heat out of your most stressful customer phone calls. Since good customer communication is a skill one can always improve upon, we thought we’d offer up a few more tips to help you smooth over your toughest calls. As a quick reminder, your business…

6 Brilliant Quotes to Inspire Awesome Communication with Your Customers

6 Brilliant Quotes to Inspire Awesome Communication with Your Customers

It’s been said that 85 percent of our success in life is directly linked to our skills in communication. That is a huge number. And it’s definitely a stat you should note if you own a business; customer communication plays a major role in your success. \We all know communication goes beyond talking, but what…

4 Crazy Simple Ways to Communicate Better With Your Customers

4 Crazy Simple Ways to Communicate Better With Your Customers

If you ever thought customer communication is over-rated, consider this simple fact: 70 percent of consumers are willing to spend more with companies that provide excellent customer service. Source: Neil Patel Blog The way you interact with your customers has a direct impact on your sales numbers. If they’re treated with respect and feel that…

Answering Service Tips: How To Keep Your Cool During Stressful Calls

Answering Service Tips: How To Keep Your Cool During Stressful Calls

It’s impossible to make everyone happy all the time, and owning a business practically places you in the hot seat. Those customer complaints are sure to come. It’s how you handle them that makes all the difference. Answering calls from angry customers is just one stressful task small business owners have to handle. And it’s…

6 Ways Answering Your Own Phone Harms Your Business (And How An Answering Service Helps)

6 Ways Answering Your Own Phone Harms Your Business (And How An Answering Service Helps)

You want to be as hands-on in your businesses as possible, but sometimes delegating certain tasks to other people is the best solution. Answering your own phones, for example, is one of those tasks that would be better handled by a receptionist or answering service. If you’re answering your own calls yourself instead of delegating…

3 Things I Learned About Customer Service by Being a Plumber First

3 Things I Learned About Customer Service by Being a Plumber First

This week we’re sharing a post from one of our favorite social media friends, Steve DiGioia. Steve is a renowned customer service trainer, author and speaker, and shares a ton of great advice on his blog. One of our favorites is a post about the service lessons he learned by being a plumber first. It’s an…

6 Reasons An After Hours Answering Service Builds Your Business

6 Reasons An After Hours Answering Service Builds Your Business

It’s a different day, but the story remains the same: you have just finished up work for the day, your receptionist has headed home and you’re daydreaming of unwinding over dinner. And just as you go to lock the door, your phone rings. You sigh, but you answer anyway. It’s a customer. And they need…

7 Simple Tips that will Actually Boost Your Customer Service

7 Simple Tips that will Actually Boost Your Customer Service

Customer service that delights. That’s always the goal, right? It’s easy for business owners to get bogged down with all the options for creating the best possible customer experience. From paying consultants to software to chat tools and on and on…there are a number of solutions right at your fingertips. The thing is that all…

The 26 Ultimate Inspirational Quotes from Successful Entrepreneurs

The 26 Ultimate Inspirational Quotes from Successful Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are a hard-working and brave lot. Think about it: they have the cojones to start businesses in the face of turbulent economic conditions, are constantly brainstorming to solve problems in new ways, and withstand tons of adversity. Yet, they still come out on the other end as thriving survivors. Their power resides in their…

The One Thing that Will Make Entrepreneurs More Productive
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The One Thing that Will Make Entrepreneurs More Productive

Have you ever been proud to tell someone about how little you sleep? Did you brag about how much you accomplished or how much money you made because you only sleep three hours a night? Your arrogance could be costing you. Jason Fried, co-founder of the task management tool Basecamp is fed up listening to…